I have been working closely with my friend, and domain industry guru, Morgan Linton from Linton Investments to develop custom niche websites across many services and finance oriented verticals. In fact, Morgan has developed over 25 websites for me so far this year and I couldn’t be happier with the results!
I’m on a roll with my niche websites because of the leverage I’m achieving through smart partnerships, and will soon have over 100 active sites. As I keep developing more and more sites, I have been learning some really great SEO strategies. Today, I’d like to share just three of these SEO tips with you to help you take your own niche sites to the next level!
SEO Tip 1: Exact Match Domains Offer SEO Advantages
As someone with a portfolio of nearly 200 domain names, I’m a huge proponent of exact match domains especially with the dot com and dot net TLDs. It’s simple: If you have the exact match domain name, search engines will give your domain priority. Sure, you still have to work super hard in building out a great site, optimizing on-page SEO, and building quality inbound links (off-page SEO). However, we’re all looking for advantages over fierce competition these days and the exact match domain gives you that secret advantage! At this time, I’m really only building out exact match domains. Most of them are non-hyphenated domains, but from time to time I’ll go after hyphenated dot com domains such as Cheap-Desk.com.
Now, even if search engines change their algorithm and give no advantage to exact match domains (not likely in my opinion), I’m here to say that exact match domains have another benefit: They attract amazing anchor text associated with inbound links! Just think about it: When someone links to my site PetiteJacket.net, what anchor text are they likely to use? You guessed it, Petite Jacket.
SEO Tip 2: Leverage Smart Anchor Text With Internal Links
Over the years, I’ve gotten very far with my on-page SEO strategy. You’d be surprised: Smart on-page SEO and especially internal link structure can get you amazing results in search engines. As I built out my niche sites, I’ve made it a point of using great internal linking to show search engines which terms are most important to my site. As a simple example, my article about buying a motorbike jacket links back to the homepage of my site with anchor text Motorbike Jacket.
Even on the very homepage of this site, I link back to the homepage (in the top blurb) with the same anchor text. Now, you don’t want to go crazy, but a few smart internal links with appropriate anchor text can get you very far. Another tip: Never link back to your homepage with the anchor text "Home". Instead, use the name of your site. Of course, if you are leveraging an exact match domain name, the name of your site will be a highly desired term (this is why the exact match domain strategy makes so much sense).
SEO Tip 3: Create Tumblr, Live Journal, and Yola Accounts
While my first two tips are all about on-page SEO strategies, my final tip for today is an off-page one. All sites require inbound links to get recognized by search engines. It’s rare these days that you’ll rank well without at least a few inbound links (although this can happen with the right exact match domain name). However, it also doesn’t take all that much to start ranking a strong domain name. Recently, I have been having a ton of success with Tumblr, 350.com, Live Journal, and Yola. These are all great platforms that allow you to create accounts which can add great value to the user while linking back to your niche site. Just remember to post good stuff on your social media accounts, they’re an extension of your brand. So, there you have it: Three simple SEO tips that provide great leverage with minimal work!
Image of SEO Tips © iStockPhoto – Warchi
Good points thanks for sharing SEO Tips..
Great tips Ian. I actually use Ping.fm for my social sites. It automatically updates whatever social networks you are on every time you make a new blog post!
Anyways, I got your email with the questions, will send them in to you later today.
Thanks so much for the comment, very much appreciate it!
Thanks so much for the comment! Ping.fm sounds like a great tool, will definitely check it out. Very much looking forward to the interview, it’s going to be huge!
All the best,
fantastic read,Ian. I haven’t really extended myself past fbook, Twitter and linkedin in regards to social media. An occasional digg…I’ll def check out tumblr and the others. Have a productive day!
Thanks so much for the comment and kind words, I really appreciate it! 🙂 Tumblr and the the others are great, with Tumblr probably being my favorite platform. Now, I must warn you that they are more blogging and website creation platforms (vs. social bookmarking platforms) so they’ll take a little more time. You’ll want to create and upload 200+ word pieces of content. However, these platforms are great because they allow you to include real links within your content, links that will help your off-page SEO if used correctly in moderation.
All the best,
today we really need seo for website if we are starting business aspecting some leads through website.
This is really good information above you have given.
1-domain name-taday domain name really useful for seo purpose beacsue search engines prefere domain name so if need to choose your business related keyword rich domain name.
2-Anchor Text and internal links-also anchor text and internal links are more important thing to onpage optimization.
3-Spreading our business news updates through blogs and open source.
Thanks so much for the comment! I very much appreciate it and agree with all of your SEO tips.
All the best,
Excellent shareing Thanks for share i am sure its must help me in my work
Only now am I starting to implement internal linking. I never used mirco blogging sites with tumblr. I always thought I had no use for them but I see that it can provide link juice to your site.
Thanks D3so for all the great comments today! I appreciate it! 🙂 Tumblr has been a fun way to post quick updates (stuff too short to post on my main blog), while getting the benefit of some links and new followers.
All the best,