PPC Ian has been all over the press lately. In fact, I’ve been featured on three high profile blogs within the last week. I’ll get into the specific press mentions next, but first want to highlight my link building strategy. I’m a huge fan of this particular link building strategy because it’s a passive one. And, at the end of the day, there’s a real premium on my time (and I’m sure yours as well) so anything that can happen passively for me is truly rewarding.
My Passive Link Building Strategy
Basically, I’ve gone to all of the big online marketing blogs and have become personal friends with the bloggers. I’ve done this by sending direct emails to these high profile bloggers and also via my blog commentating strategy. As a result of being social, I have become part of the community. Because I’m part of the community and all these online marketing bloggers know me on a personal level, they’re happy to link back to me when I post something particularly noteworthy.
This is the real reason that Google values inbound links. They’re a measure of what others think of you and your blog. How can you get others to like you and your blog? Get out there, be social, and make friends! Want to learn more about this strategy? I recommend checking out my recent blog post about PR Driving Great SEO Results.
This Week’s Links
So, where did I get featured this week? It all started off with ZK’s Web Traffic ROI. I’m a huge fan of ZK and his blog. If you’re big on blog commentating like myself, there’s no doubt that you’ve run into ZK. He’s an absolute expert online marketer and one of the top commentators on the Internet. ZK discovered my recent series of six free videos from my Stanford GSB presentation and wrote a post all about my videos. (As a side note, you can view my free videos in the following posts: videos 1 and 2, videos 3 and 4, videos 5 and 6).
Now, just being featured on ZK’s Web Traffic ROI was a huge win on its own. However, my success did not stop there. Because I’m well connected on Facebook and posted a link to ZK’s post, my friend Owen Frager from The Frager Factor picked up and recapped ZK’s post on his own blog. This is a true honor, Owen is a true heavy hitter when it comes to online marketing and blogging. After all, his blog is one of the largest on the Internet.
My third success happened today! My friend Eric from My 4 Hour Workweek wrote a truly epic blog post about 142+ ways to make money online. I highly recommend checking out this blog post, it’s going to be one of the best of 2011 in my opinion. I have become friends with Eric and comment regularly on his blog, and Eric was kind enough to mention me as one of his favorite online marketing blogs in this truly epic blog post. Now, this gets even sweeter because Eric’s blog post went truly viral and made the first page of Delicious today. Cool stuff! An interesting fact: Eric won the blog commenting contest I ran on PPC Ian a while back and I reviewed his blog since he was one of the winners!
Images in this post © WebTrafficROI.com, FragerFactor.blogspot.com, and My4HrWorkweek.com
Congrats Ian! I’ve been seeing a huge jump in my backlinks so hopefully its the same for you as well! 🙂
Thanks for the mention here, Ian! It looks like PPC Ian is headed for bigger and better things, so I’m honored to be a small part of it. 🙂
Congratulations on being listed on Ian’s blog (my 4hr workweek)!
Both he and Pat Flynn have been recommending a site entitled InfoBarrel quite a bit recently. (It was one of the first links on Eric’s latest post) (If you can’t trust Pat Flynn, who can you trust?)
If you are interested, my InfoBarrel product is now up for sale:
You will see a killer testimonial from Pat Flynn there. In the hands of the right internet marketer, this product is worth tens of thousands of dollars (at least). Pat, single-handedly, has referred hundreds of people to InfoBarrel.
I am sure you see the tremendous value of having a product so perfectly aligned with a site like that. The auction is coming to an end shortly.
I just simply don’t have the time, resources, or marketing leverage to take this product to where it will become in the hands of the right marketer.
lol…and, THAT’s why it’s so important to proof-read posts before posting…
Of course, I had meant “Eric’s Blog” instead of “Ian’s blog”….lol
Dino, Eric, and Howie,
Thanks so much for the comments! 🙂 I very much appreciate it!
All the best,
Hi Ian thanks for your tips! I also do the same thing.
Networking is what it is all about. 🙂
Thanks so much, Peter! 🙂 You are absolutely correct! Very much appreciate the comment!