When it comes to the pay per click search engine marketing career path, it’s simply not enough to do great work. You need to do great work and get recognized. How can you get recognized? It’s all about dressing up for your job and creating the right search marketing perception. Now, what’s one of the premier ways to set everyone’s perception about your great work? Easy: Your employee self performance review! Today, I’m going to discuss some of my favorite tips for optimizing your annual self review.
Tip 1: Keep Detailed Search Marketing Records
I can’t stress this tip enough! In fact, I wrote an entire post about keeping detailed ppc records. Just think about it: Pay per click can get crazy! There are numbers we have to hit, fires we need to put out, and initiatives we need to complete. When we’re moving a mile a minute, it’s easy to move from one thing to the next without keeping good records.
However, resist the temptation and keep detailed records. When your annual self review comes around, leverage your records to your advantage. It’s time to go into painstaking detail listing out every single project you worked on. It’s time to leverage your records and shine!
Tip 2: Spend An Entire Day On Your Self Review
So now that you have detailed records, it’s time to work on your self review! Your schedule is crazy and you have limited time. As such, the natural tendency is to spend a few hours maximum on your self review. My advice: Spend an entire day on your employee self review. Block out all distractions. Go in a private conference room if you must. Turn off Outlook. There is no higher leverage event in the SEM career path than your self review. Remember, your boss may not know the true details of your accomplishments since you’re moving so quickly.
Tip 3: Go Above And Beyond In Your Self Review
What do I mean by going above and beyond? It’s probably easiest to illustrate this by example: I wrote a 15-page essay for my last self review! I included granular numbers and metrics, accomplishments and projects, successes in my team’s growth, and even pasted some of my recommendations from my LinkedIn (I have 58 recommendations on LinkedIn, after all)! Moreover, I spent some time seriously outlining my goals and aspirations for the next year. One thing is for sure: By going above and beyond in your employee self review:
- You tell your manager that you’re really serious about your PPC job.
- You know that you did everything in your power to ensure a positive outcome to your review!
Image of Employee Performance Review © iStockPhoto – maxexphoto
Hi I really enjoyed reading your article. Nice tips for reviewing oneself. I think you might like reading some career growth content on the community: http://lifespace.com/Career_Growth Thanks!
Thanks so much for the comment and link. I very much appreciate it! I’m looking forward to checking out your career tips!
All the best,
Keeping yourself organized is crucial! I have tons of projects and SEO campaigns I want to get started that are just cluttering my desktop! Organization really is key! Great post Ian looking forward to the next one…
Thanks for the comment, much appreciated!
Hey Ian,
These are some strong tips on how to get where you want to be as quickly as possible – Takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but if you can discipline yourself to keep track everyday you also push yourself to become increasingly better. A 15 page self review is pretty outstanding. Definitely taking these to heart and thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much, Darren! 🙂 As always, very much appreciate the comments. Yeah, the 15 page self review was quite time consuming, but totally worth it!