While today’s post really applies to all jobs, it’s especially applicable to those of us in the search engine marketing industry because we all tend to be young. Just look at me, I’m only 28 but I’m already a Director and have been managing people for over 4 years! I’ll jump right to the punch line: If you’re in the search engine marketing industry, invest in a solid business wardrobe and dress for success. The benefits of doing so are huge.
Why I’m Writing This Post
I really like today’s post because it’s high leverage. You don’t have to work harder. You don’t need to acquire new skills. You don’t need to stay at the office late into the night. You only need to focus on your attire and enjoy the benefits of this low effort, high leverage strategy!
I also feel this post is very appropriate for those of us in PPC because the tendency is not dressing for success. It’s nobody’s fault. Most people in PPC tend to be young. As an extension of our college days, we’re used to either dressing casually in a t-shirt and jeans or, for the more stylish, wearing “clubbing” attire. I’ve seen it time and time again: Managers and even senior managers showing up to work in their Friday night clubbing attire. Every time I see it I know I’m going to win the competition because of my strategy around dressing for success.
The Benefits of Dressing For Success In Search Engine Marketing
Do you want to get more respect from your superiors, peers, and reports? How about faster promotions? How about more face time with executives? How about more opportunities to present? These are just a few of the benefits of picking the right attire for your SEM job.
Just think about it: You’re only in your 20s but are already in a high powered management position, potentially overseeing multi-million dollar search marketing budgets. This is quite a lot of responsibility early on in you career. (Side note: This is one of the reasons why I’m such a big advocate of SEM as a career. There’s no other path to so much responsibility at such a young age.) Now, how do you show the company, your manager, your peers, and your reports that you’re serious about all this responsibility? You dress for success. When you dress for success, you immediately inspire confidence. You immediately gain respect. You immediately catapult your SEM career to the next level.
How Do You Dress For Success In Search Marketing?
So, I’ve convinced you. Now, how do you dress for success? First, I’ll start off with the list of things to avoid. Please avoid “clubbing attire”. You know what I mean: tight jeans, tight shirts, loud colors, clothes with glitter on them, etc. I realize that a lot of these weekend pieces are expensive. However, price has nothing to do with it. No matter how expensive your clubbing clothes, please save them for the weekend. Next, you’ll want to avoid casual clothes such as shorts, jeans, and t-shirts. Unless you’re frequenting the office on the weekend to get a little extra work done, there’s no good reason to wear casual clothes. Last, you’ll want to avoid wearing the same outfit over and over. Establish a solid wardrobe with a good amount of variety. Otherwise, you might get categorized as the person with only one outfit.
Now, let’s discuss what you should wear to your SEM job. It’s actually quite simple. Pick classy, conservative clothes. Long sleeve dress shirts and slacks are optimal. The fit should be perfect, not too tight and not too loose. If your office is a bit more formal, wear a sports coat or suit. As a great guide, understand what your boss wears. Leverage that knowledge to understand how formal you should go. Important disclaimer: Never “one up” your boss. It’s important show respect where respect is due, use your intelligence to dress at your level.
This Is All Psychological
So I know you’re probably sitting there right now thinking this all sounds superficial and that nobody’s sitting there consciously analyzing your wardrobe. You’re absolutely right! However, this strategy has nothing to do with the conscious and everything to do with the subconscious. We are all humans and we judge each other subconsciously each and every day. Stand out from the crowd by dressing for success in your PPC career and everyone will immediately take subconscious notice. This is one of the easiest ways to rapidly grow your authority and responsibility. Moreover, it’s an awesome career tip because few people are following this tip in pay per click, creating an opportunity for you!
Image of Business Suit © iStockPhoto – SeanShot
This is absolutely true! Think about when your company has hired a new employee and you meet them for the first time. If you were automatically impressed, I can almost guarantee you it’s because this person was well put together, polished, and confident. Does a faded college sweatshirt and weak handshake elicit your immediate trust? I didn’t think so.
Awesome Post and I totally agree with you and Nicole! My wifes cousin was promoted in his job place BECAUSE he wore a suite, tie and showed he cared about his job while everyone else dressed completely casual since it was allowed and had no special attitude. I get comments like “Why are you wearing a suite coat”… Explaining the reasons like you gave sometimes seems very shocking/enlightening to those who don’t know that there could be a better career future by making some changes to the way the dress and carry them selves in the work place.
That is awesome stuff, Darren. Thanks for all the comments, you are my top commentator for sure this month. 🙂
All the best,
Hey Ian! I just love to read your blog and feel compelled to comment on them, I noticed the top commenter deal at the bottom which is really cool! You are doing what I would love to achieve one day. Give me 5 year and lets see what I can do :^)
Thanks so much for all the comments and the kind words. I truly appreciate it. You seem to definitely be on the right track, and it’s really great to see you dominating my top commentators list. I hope my blog is driving some traffic to your website as well. 🙂
All the best,